Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Measuring Angles with a Protractor

Using a protractor to measure angles is a new skill for Texas fourth graders. Measuring angles with a protractor is a skill that was moved from sixth grade to fourth grade through the implementation of the new Texas math TEKS.

4.7C determine the approximate measures of angles in degrees to the nearest whole number using a protractor.

Measuring angles using a protractor is tough skill to assess. Protractors are not allowed during the STAAR test, so test makers are creative in their presentation of this skill. I created "Measuring Angles with Protractors" Task cards using inspiration from released STAAR questions. It is always tough to predict how the TEKS will be assessed, so it is best to teach a skill from multiple angles. The following pictures are my interpretation of the TEKS.


You can purchase a FREE preview of my task cards by clicking here.

You can purchase the FULL SET of "Measuring Angles with Protractors" task cards by click here

Please visit my TPT store for other great products. Just click here.

1 comment:

  1. I can't find your measuring angles with protractor at teachers pay teachers.
